Michael Jackson's children

24th July 2012

Michael Jackson's children are reportedly being forced to go "against the family" by their corrupt cousin.

Trent Jackson, Katherine Jackson's nephew, had reported the 82-year-old matriarch missing last week but the Los Angeles Sheriff Department stated on Sunday that the octogenarian was safe at a spa in Arizona. Katherine is legal guardian of her late son Michael's three children Paris, Prince and Blanket.

When Janet Jackson, her brother Jermaine and the star's nephew Austin reportedly came to visit the kids over the weekend, Trent would not allow them in the home.

It is surmised that Trent, who is currently being investigated for elderly abuse, is trying to cover his tracks for creating a false media furore.

"Trent has instructed security to not allow family into the home," a source told X17 Online.

"The kids were told they had every right to come visit their grandma in Arizona, but they flat out said 'we don't want to.' Now Trent is telling the cooks and the staff to not show up to work so that it looks like the children aren't being cared for. He knows he's been caught and now he's trying to use the children to cover it up.

"Paris has confided in her cousins that Trent and a security member have been putting her up to Tweeting out messages against the family.' " 

Tags: Michael Jackson,