Michael Jacksons Death: Truth Is Yet To Be Unfolded

6th January 2011

January 6, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): There has been a mystery surrounding the death of Michael Jackson. Reports are trickling in that Jacksons doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray had in fact asked one of the bodyguards to set aside the drugs that were supposed to have caused Jacksons death. The bodyguard came out in the open to add that the medicines were removed after an order by the doctor. There had been speculation that the medicine could be anesthesia .On the second day of the trial the confessions of Albert Alvarez come as a surprise and it is yet to be proved whether Dr. Conrad Murray is guilty.

Jackson was planning his comeback in the music industry with a tour. Unfortunately Jackson breathed his last on June 9, 2009.Tests revealed that the singer probably died of an overdose of an anesthetic named 'Propofol'.

Dr. Murray was accused of negligence, as many are of the opinion that Murray did try hard to save Jacksons life when he stopped breathing. Reports also proved that Jackson died of a drug overdose. Albert also throws some light on the matter when he commented that Murray tried to hide certain facts from the cops and he was concerned of removing the medical vials and intravenous bags. Albert further added that after Murray finished with his task of putting everything away he asked Albert to get an ambulance for Jackson. An ambulance staff, Richard Sennef remarked that Jackson had passed away long back before the call for the ambulance was made.

Murray has testified that he is not responsible for the death of Jackson and the lawyers feel that someone else could be behind the crime. The truth is yet to be unfolded.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Michael Jackson,