Miley Cyrus: Liam misses me while filming

13th March 2012

Miley Cyrus' boyfriend Liam Hemsworth had a hard time being apart from her while filming The Hunger Games.

The singer-and-actress made the claim as she stepped out on the red carpet for the Hollywood premiere of the film in support of Liam, 22, on Monday.

The 19-year-old said the most difficult part of working on the movie for her boyfriend was conducting a long distance romance.

"I think the hardest part for Liam was being away from me," she told E! "And his brother and his family. At least he's not in a tour bus and is in a nice hotel somewhere. It's a little less bumpy, a little more sleep."

Liam agrees that it was not easy but he enjoyed making the film. He thinks being away from home was a small price to pay to do what he loves.

"On one hand, it's hard being on your own, but on the other, I'm making movies and it's something I love," the Australian actor said.

"One of the great things about this job is travelling - getting to see the country and the world."

Miley also gushed about their life together, saying they are homebodies in their spare time. The pair began dating in 2009 after meeting on the set of The Last Song.

"We have three dogs, so that takes up most of our time," she said. "The only time we leave the house is to go to the pet store or the park...The paparazzi the other day, I told him to get a real job and he said Yeah, you too!' and it's kind of true."

The Hunger Games is a science fiction action film based on the novel of the same name by Suzanne Collins and also stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Elizabeth Banks.

Tags: Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, The Hunger Games,