New revelation in Salman's 2002 Hit and Run Case: Bills presented by police were inappropriate

31st July 2015

A new revelation has cropped up in Salman Khan's 2002 Hit and Run Case that the bills presented by the police to show that Salman was under the influence of alcohol were of a different table number and date.

Senior counsel Amit Desai said, "The police picked up four bills which stated that there was sale of Bacardi and beer. The police assumed that since Bacardi is transparent it is what he was drinking. But those bills do not relate to consumption made by Salman and his friends. The bills were of a different table number and of a date prior to the day he went there. This is a serious deficiency."

According to Desai, the first defence stated that Salman was not the one driving the vehicle while the second defence stated that whoever was driving the vehicle, Salman was not under the influence of alchohol.

Further reiterating the fact that the prosecution had failed to prove that the actor was under the influence, Desai added, "In fact, blood samples were taken 13 hours later and a report was obtained to suggest that alcohol content was in excess of the permissible level."

Tags: Salman Khan,