Nicki Minaj praises her crazy journey

19th March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicki Minaj says she still struggles to comprehend her new found fame.

The 26-year-old is currently the most sought after commodity in hip hop after enjoying a hugely successful 2010. As well as delighting rap purists with her rhyming skills, Nicki has also wowed audiences with her outrageous fashion style and flamboyant look.

Currently, the Trinidadian native is touring with mentor and fellow rap superstar, Lil Wayne. Following a recent performance, the star revealed how shocked she is at her career progression.

"It's funny, because I remember coming on, doing 30 seconds of 'Can't Stop, Won't Stop' [from Lil Wayne's 2007s rap mixtape]. I was nervous for 30 seconds, and then when I came back [on tour], I was doing three minutes. Now to have my own set, it's crazy!" she told MTV.

The Queens lyricist is now grateful that she is able to display her full personality on stage through her lengthy set.

"It's the first time I get to show me: my theatrics, my craziness, my sense of humour. A lot of times when I was doing features, I didn't feel that it was my place to kinda interject certain things. I don't wanna be rude to anyone's set," she added.

Nickis popularity is set to soar further with the news that she is reportedly being lined up as a judge on Simon Cowells talent show, The X Factor. According to a source, the star met with Simon a few weeks ago to discuss possible arrangements.

Simon thinks Nicki is fantastic. She's sassy, she looks great and she has bags of personality. Nicki has a large following and she fits well with the ethos of the show This isn't a done deal yet, but Nicki would be great for the show. She fits the ideal that X Factor will be exciting, vibrant and different. And the show would also be great for her career," the source confirmed. (C) Cover Media
