Octavia Spencer: I beat Jennifer Hudson for The Help role

6th December 2011

Octavia Spencer says that she faced tough competition for her role in the critically acclaimed movie The Help.

The 41-year-old did an interview with Anderson Cooper for his talk show, set to air today, where she discussed the many Hollywood actresses who were also vying for the coveted part.

Octavia is receiving Oscar buzz for her portrayal of feisty maid Minny Jackson, and was up against stars who had already won Academy Awards themselves.

Mo'Nique and Jennifer Hudson were considered for the part as well as rapper turned actress Queen Latifah.

"There were a lot of big name people who were out there and being considered for this role. How did you get this role?" Anderson asked.

"I slept with the producer," Octavia joked, but it had been revealed that she was on the top of the list because of her friendship with director Tate Taylor.

"Tate and I have been friends for about 17 years," she explained adding that they had met when they both worked as production assistants on a movie.

Tate introduced Octavia to his pal Kathryn Stockett, the author of The Help, about eight years ago and some of Octavia's sassiness and personality ended up on the pages of the book's lively character.

Octavia also recalled her first meeting with Kathryn and what an ordeal it was.

"It was a crazy setting," she said. "I don't like to be hot, hungry or uncomfortable, and I was 100 pounds heavier, it was 108 degrees in New Orleans. Tate decided that we should take a walking tour, and I was very grumpy. And Minny was born."

Tags: Octavia Spencer, Jennifer Hudson,