Oscar nomination spoils 'Barfi'

26th September 2012

Like always, there is a huge hype created about the films that get nominated for the oscars. Similarly, when Anurag Basu's 'Barfi' was nominated by the Film Federation of India as the official entry to the oscars, the scenario was no different.

'Barfi', that released recently and garnered positive response, has been in the news for all the right reasons so far, but now things are taking an ugly turn for the film. Post the announcement of the film's nomination to the oscars, 'Barfi' has been attracting controversies.

There is a strong debate going on internet and on television channels for nominating 'Barfi' to the Oscar Awards. While some believe that some parts of the movie are not original, which makes it ineligible for the coveted awards; others feel that there were better movies than Barfi in the short-listed 12 Indian movies. 

Critics have attacked Basu saying that several scenes were "lifted" from classic Hollywood and Bollywood movies. Many key moments of the movie have been reportedly copied from various Charlie Chaplin's movies, 'The Notebook' and 'Singin in the Rain' amongst others.

And after this entire hullabaloo, Anurag finally spoke about the allegations on him in an interview with a popular news channel stating, "How many people knew Buster Keaton in India? We said in the interviews (prior to the release of the film) that there are scenes inspired by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. Even before the release of the film I said it on record." 

He further added, "And yeah, it was my shortcoming because there was a lot of physical comedy in the film. I couldn't think original out of it...I had to see silent era films to understand that. You will see there's a scene where the camera pans and stays on a Charlie Chaplin poster. I wanted to give homage to him."

It remains to be seen if in spite all these controversies, Barfi manages to charm or it simply fails at the oscars.


Tags: Anurag Basu, Barfi,