Paris Hilton Incriminates Herself

4th September 2010

September 4, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Celebrity Socialite and Hotel heiress Paris Hilton managed to land herself into knee-deep trouble when she got busted for Cocaine possession. Right after the bust, Paris went on record to say that the purse (in which the cocaine was found) did not belong to her at all. However it seems that the celebrity socialite might have incriminated herself.

Recently a Twitpic was uncovered that was posted by Paris Hilton, in which she went ga ga over her new Chanel purse (this purse looks the same as the one with cocaine). Radar Online posted that on the night of her arrest; Paris Hilton was carrying a purse that she allegedly tweeted as her own just a few weeks back. The officer, who arrested Hilton on that fateful night, reported that Hilton had claimed that she was not the owner of the purse and that she had borrowed it from a friend.

Hilton reportedly claimed that her purse was not hers' right after she was read the Miranda Rights. A felony possession case has been levied against the star and if found guilty she can face some serious heat. Hilton was arrested on cocaine possession three days after a man named Nathan Parada tried to break into her home (Nathan was seen carrying two big knives).

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Paris Hilton,