Playback Singers up in arms!

10th March 2011
The second World Kannada Conference is taking place at Maharashtra Ekikarana Sangha dominated place 'Belgaum' on March 11th to 13th. It is a mega event of Rs.30 crores for three days from Karnataka government side. The Kannada organizations from 37 countries are participating in it but local singers are up in arms shouting against the government decision. The local singers are offered meagre money while the singers like Dr SPB, Khailash Kher, drummer Shivamani are given in lakhs. Kannada and Kannadigas should get top priority but singers are contemplating on boycotting for the ill treatment. Singers such as Shimoga Subbanna, Nandita, Rathnamala Prakash, Archana Udupa, Hemanth, YK Muddukrishna are feeling disgusting.