Pravesh Rana: Eyes Set For Bollywood

17th January 2011

January 17, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Pravesh Rana, the actor who gained popularity by getting into the reality show 'Bigg Boss 3' as a contestant and then getting limelight due to his closeness to one of the inmates was a constant news maker while at the house. However, even after the show is well over and done with this dedicated actor did not leave his penchant for the limelight and stared hosting shows, albeit reality shows as an anchor with super gusto.

Thus with at least 700 shows under his belt as an anchor and still going strong with more on the telly, Parvesh is not ready to tie his boots high. This dedicated actor is all for going into the run of an actor in Bollywood and reports suggest that he is in no hurry to jump at just any role that might be offered to him. This is one young actor who has his head firmly fixed and has matter of factly stated that he would only plunge into a Bollywood flick if the role is one which will satisfy his demands and wants.

As far as his small screen anchoring is concerned, this young dude is quite happy hosting shows as according to him daily soaps are not his style and kind.

Thus, with such dedicated ambitions, this young actor has a very long future planned ahead of him with goals that are certainly quite tough but not far way. Parvesh who is hosting a reality show that deals in relationships these days has reportedly no time for relationships for himself. He is just too busy going from one milestone to another in his professional life, thus with stars in his eyes all set for Bollywood, this is one actor who is hell bent on making his life bend according to his wish.

--Sampurn Wire
