Prince Harry UK naked photo ban useless?

23rd August 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Prince Harry's legal team wants to put an end to the dissemination of his nude photos.

The royal was snapped stark naked while playing a game of strip billiards in his VIP hotel suite on Friday night. US website TMZ obtained the risqu pictures, with one showing Harry covering his modesty with his hands while a "seemingly topless woman" stood behind him.

London-based law firm Harbottle & Lewis, which represents the royal family, reportedly sent newspapers across the UK a letter demanding the publications not to print the scandalous images.

"In an effort to sweep this under the carpet as quickly as possible, Harbottle & Lewis have told the British papers not to run Prince Harry's naked pictures," a source told Radar Online.

"Of course, the British media is very careful when a royal scandal is revealed nowadays and has to bow down to the royal family's demands.

"But despite the ban on the UK press, the pictures have already circulated around the world on the internet. Everyone has seen them, so Harry's blushes will never be spared not in this day and age." (C) Cover Media
