Priyanka Chopra shines at the White House Correspondents Dinner

2nd May 2016

While she played the 'In and Out' game of whether to attend the White house correspondents dinner or not, Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra not only attend the dinner on April 30, 2016 but also shined like a real star.

Dressed in a black sheer ruffled gown with plummet neckline, Priyanka looked every bit ravishing. Priyanka was amongst the several high esteemed celebrities like Oscar winners Helen Mirren and Jared Leto, Will Smith, Emma Watson and Bryan Cranston and many more.

The 'Quantico' star posted her picture along with the US President Barack Obama and First lady Michelle Obama along with a tweet which said, "Lovely to meet the very funny and charming @barackobama and the beautiful @flotus . Thank you…"

Another feather in your cap Priyanka!!!!

Tags: Priyanka Chopra,