Puri Jagannath turns Lyricist...

4th April 2011
After achieving great heights in the Telugu film industry, as director and also as producer, now Puri Jagannath will be seen in a new role. According to sources, he is planning to compose music for his brother Sairam Sankar's film, which will be directed by his associate, Gopi. This film is going to hit the floors soon. Puri Jagannath's brother, Sairam Shankar, has acted as a hero in movies like '143' and 'Bumper Offer' and he also acted in many films in supporting roles, in the past. Meanwhile, Puri Jagannath plans to enter Bollywood and try his luck in a film directed by Amitabh Bachchan, titled 'Buddah'. He is currently busy working for this film. It's also known that he is has directed a film, which is produced by the item girl Mumaith Khan, who had performed in the film 'Pokkiri' and in many other Telugu films.