Ranbir credits parents for being sexy

14th April 2011

Bollywood's youngest heart-throb Ranbir Kapoor, whose charming features and enchanting looks makes girls go weak in the knees, has a fan base of not the female audience but most of the Bollywood actresses too, who have actually gone on record tagging him 'the most eligible bachelor in town'.

Prince Charming doesn't think he's sexy, though. In fact, he declared that he thanks the people who consider him sexy but feels that if people find him attractive and good-looking, then the compliment goes to his parents (Rishi Kapoor & Neetu Kapoor) and not him, as it is because of their genes that he has inherited, that he looks good.

Well, Ranbir you might have had unknowingly created a Casanova image of yourself but you definitely know how to make your beloved parents happy, who these days are not too pleased with the defamatory reports of you doing rounds of the city. After disconnecting himself from all his female co-stars, he is surely trying to win his parents heart back with this smashing compliment.

Tags: Neetu Singh, Rishi Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor,