Rappers urge Drake and Brown reconciliation

20th June 2012

Lil Wayne and other rappers are urging Drake to end his feud with Chris Brown, it has been reported.

The hip-hop star is said to have called the "Take Care" singer to try and convince him to extend an olive branch to Brown after their club brawl last week.

According to TMZ, Lil Wayne is worried their differences will affect business, as both artists regularly work with his Young Money label.

Other members of the rapper's crew are also said to have been in touch with Drake to try and smooth over the situation.

"Sources tell us, Wayne and co. are worried the rift will affect business - since Brown appears on several tracks with Young Money members and, pure and simple, Brown = hits," TMZ writes. "We're told Drake doesn't want to reach out to Breezy [Chris Brown] until he knows CB doesn't actually blame him for last week's melee. We're told Young Money's on Drake's side no matter what - but as one source put it, Making money matters most.'"

Drake and Chris Brown were allegedly involved in an altercation at New York nightclub WIP last week.

A fight broke out at the venue which left Brown with a facial injury and it has been claimed that Drake was one of the "aggressors" in the brawl.

The two stars have had a strained relationship for some time because of Brown's ex Rihanna, who Drake is said to be romantically involved with on and off.
