Review Of Glee Season 2, Episode 6: Kurt Gets A Kiss From A Guy

11th November 2010


November 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): If you have missed the 6th episode of Glee season 2 then here is a glimpse for you. The last episode titled Never Been Kissed was probably dedicated to Kurt, who finally gets a gay friend and also a kiss. The guy is shocked and amazed at this.

However, this was not a relief for Kurt as he was asked to stand up to the bullies or just run away to a better school. The only gay boy, McKinley High, finally gets some love from the friendly gay guy Blaine, who is from the posh Dalton Academy. Kurt went there to perform for the popular glee club.

It seems that Dalton place is the best shelter for Kurt because here a zero-tolerance policy is obeyed for any kind of bullying. Here, everyone gets the same treatment. Getting a courage word from his new friend Blaine, Kurt follows Karofsky, the football-player to the locker room and there he gets the first kiss of his life from a guy.

In the meantime, traditional girls vs boys competition gets started by Will. However, he announces a gender switch up as he notices that Kurt is unhappy. Now, the boys were required to perform on a song usually performed by the girls and vice-versa.

In spite of all these excitement related to the competition, Kurt was the real winner after getting the first kiss of his life.

--Sampurn Wire


