Rhea Praises Sonam, needs reality check!

12th April 2011

When they say 'It's all about Loving your Family', the saying just doesn't limit itself onscreen; the same applies to real life too. That goes for Rhea Kapoor, Anil Kapoor's daughter and Sonam Kapoor's younger sister, who turned a producer with her film 'Aisha' and is now-a-days all in praise for her elder sibling Sonam and her film 'Thank You', that had hit the screens recently.

Rhea Kapoor who's not a regular socialite was seen at party that supported the cause of 'Breast Cancer'. There while talking to the media, the young producer was heard singing praises for Sonam's film 'Thank You', as she thinks the film is fantabulous. Sonam's multi starrer film 'Thank You', where she plays one of the three wives, is thrashed by critics and audiences alike, as they say that there's nothing new and funny about the film. The film even failed to drag people to the theatres thought it better to avoid the film, after the pathetic reviews it got. Rhea though, seems to have a totally different opinion from the rest of the world, as she feels that the film was fantastic and quite hilarious.

Rhea is repeating her mistake that she had made for post 'Aisha'. Rhea, the producer of the film didn't accept defeat and in those days too, was heard quoting that chick-flick 'Aisha' as a hit, whereas the truth was far from it. With her praising 'Thank You', it seems that Rhea hasn't learned from her past experiences. Here's a little piece of advice Rhea, Think before you speak as it's a time for reality check!

Tags: Anil Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, Mausam, Aisha, Thank You,