Saif keeps his daughter Sara Ali Khan away from films

12th November 2014

Saif Ali Khan's daughter, Sara Ali Khan to make her Bollywood debut, has been in news for quite some time now.

Even though Saif doesn't mind Sara Ali joining the glamour world, he wants her to complete her education first.

Sara is currently studying at Columbia University. Being a liberal father, he has never forced his kids for anything and let them make a choice for themselves.

Saif says, "Of course, I won't have any problem. It is a wonderful profession. But I would have a problem with her leaving the college and getting into movies. She is currently studying in her second year at Columbia University. One day, she messaged me saying she wants to join movies. It was a slightly strangely-worded message but I replied, 'Yes, but after college.' Then there was some silence. Obviously, she doesn't know what she is saying. Some days, she wants to be a lawyer, someday a doctor, then one day she told me she wants to work at the White House... Nobody leaves Columbia University! Anyone in the world would give their left arm to go to an Ivy League university. I wish someone would have told her that I would have her shot if she even thinks about leaving college. This degree is your only passport — from the husband that beats you to a country that collapses economically, you can survive everything. She can get a job anywhere in the world. It would be foolish of her to leave that to act. She can do that after she completes her education. She can’t throw this to be stuck working in one profession. That is limiting yourself."

Whereas his son, Ibrahim wants to excel in sports.


Tags: Saif Ali Khan,