Selena Gomez Is In Love Again!

13th November 2010


November 13, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Robert Pattinson makes women go weak in their knees and the recent addition to the Brits hunk list of admirers is the Wizard of Waverly Place actress Selena Gomez. Just before you guys read between the lines Selena has added that she has in fact fallen in love with Roberts portrayal of Edward Cullen in the vampire saga Twilight.

In an interview to a tabloid, Selena professes her love for Edward as she remarks I simply adored him in the film. Selena also finds Edward to be quite sexy. Selena Gomez has admitted that she thinks Robert Pattinson's portrayal of the character Edward in the film has made her feel attracted towards him. On being asked as whom does she find irresistible, she was quick to take Taylor Lautners name. Though Edward is quite macho she finds Taylor to be the one who takes her breath away.

Selena is so enamored by Edward Cullens character in the film that she wishes to be a part of Team Edward. Though Taylor is a good friend of Selena she seems to be in a fix when she professes her love for Edward .However she admitted that Taylor displayed his acting skills to perfection in the movie and is also a powerhouse of talent. Well, Selena seems to be confused when she has to make a choice between her friend Taylor and the vampire Edward Cullen.

--Sampurn Wire






Tags: Selena Gomez, Taylor Lautner,