Shah Rukh Khan vows to return back to Patna

18th December 2011

Shah Rukh Khan has been on a promotional spree to promote his forthcoming film 'Don 2' for which he has been visiting major cities of India. He was recently slated to visit Patna and the very news spread like a fire in the same town. Thousands of fans had gone frantic and the mob outgrew expectations. This called for security high alert as not only the event was cancelled but even a lathi charge was implemented.

However SRK being the man of his words recently claimed that as per his promise he will soon visit Patna again. "Will come to Patna for sure just firming up plans. Will figure out tomorrow" SRK posted on his Twitter account recently. Later Shah Rukh also claimed that he was upset when his first visit to Patna was cancelled, "Was super excited with my first ever visit to Patna, but district authorities said some security issue...Will come some other time. Damn!!!" he tweeted later.

Tags: Shah Rukh Khan,