Simon Baker admires French women

17th June 2012

Simon Baker is impressed that French women are so "authentic".

The Australian star is happily married to actress Rebecca Rigg, but has mused about why French ladies are so attractive.

He loves the way women from the country carry themselves.

"Their elegance is cultural. It's like they allow themselves to be smart and sexy, it's authentic, nothing is forced or played. They just assume what they are," he told Gala France.

The 42-year-old star has also slammed those who think people from France are pompous. He insists their behaviour isn't "arrogance", in just comes from them being sure of themselves.

"The French have the reputation of being arrogant, I don't think it's arrogance but a certain authenticity," he mused. "French are what they are without excusing themselves to be. And a woman with self-confidence is always sexy."

Tags: Simon Baker,