Spike Jonze: I am not cool

3rd November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Spike Jonze thinks of himself as un-cool.

The 41-year-old co-creator of Jackass admitted he doesnt like being interviewed in front of television cameras in case he messes up, because he doesnt have a very smooth persona in real life.

Rather than shunning the celebrity limelight, Spike spares himself media attention because he comes across as incomprehensible.

"The reason I don't do TV is that I can never come up with a cool answer," he confessed to the Irish website "I just don't feel comfortable in that environment, and I end up not being able to make much sense. If that makes sense."

Spike created the Jackass show with his childhood friend Jeff Tremaine and the prankster star of the concept, Johnny Knoxville.

The movie Jackass 3D has had a huge impact at the American box office, taking over $50 million in its opening weekend, which Spike is still recovering from.

He puts the success of the movie down to reaching out to youngsters who have not yet experienced the comedy wonders of the controversial production.

"We're still trying to figure out what happened exactly. The feeling is, there's a whole new generation out there who are only vaguely aware of what Jackass is, and to them, it was a whole new experience, Spike said. I'm guessing, after ten years, there was a degree of nostalgia too for some. Still, that's an incredible amount of money for something we're doing purely for fun." (C) Cover Media
