Star Wars in 3-D to hit theaters in 2012

29th September 2010

September 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): George Lucas has decided to bring back the phenomenon called Star Wars in the 3D format. "Avatar" and "Alice In Wonderland" tasted immense success in their 3 D versions; maybe they have in a way inspired him to have his epic movies in 3D as well.

"Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" will make a comeback in its 3D version, in the year 2012. It would be followed closely by five other stereoscopic formatted space based action flicks.

The famous Industrial Light & Magic special-effects shop, owned by Lucas is overseeing the 3-D conversions of the film. 20th Century Fox would release them as always.

Lucas has, in more than one occasion has publicly said that Cameron's "Avatar" did persuade him to reassess his longtime contempt for 3-D. Post the Golden Globes Award, he said that he was actually reconsidering having Luke Skywalker and other Star Wars casts, in the 3D format.

He further says that he didn't actually nurture an awesome feeling for 3d, but has contemplated having 3D versions of the Star Wars for several years, however a lack of technology had always put him and his crew back. Now, with the right kind of technology, this feat can be achieved.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: George Lucas,