The Killers new album a celebration

18th September 2012

The Killers admit that they "took more time off than they've ever taken" to record their new album.

The band released their Battle Born this week after an 18-month self-imposed hiatus.

Lead singer Brandon Flowers didn't view the break in a negative light at all.

"The whole thing was made out to be a little bit gloomier than it really was; we always knew we were going to make another record," he told MTV News.

"We just took more time off than we've ever taken."

The group stayed true to their heritage on Battle Born.

The Killers value humility.

"We weren't born like this; we come from normal families, working-class families, and we've never really lost sight of that," Brandon explained.

"This album is a celebration ... we're beyond all that worry and now it's a celebration; this is what we are, we are from here, we're proud of it, this is the music we like, here you go. I don't think there should be anything wrong with loving your country a little bit, having a little patriotism. My love for people doesn't stop at the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, or above Montana; it's just, without borders."
