Tom Cruise Scientology gifts revealed

9th July 2012

Tom Cruise has reportedly received a host of lavish gifts from Scientology chiefs, including a pen made from a eucalyptus tree.

A giant eucalyptus tree growing in the grounds of Scientology's headquarters in California was taken down to create the unusual pen, according to British newspaper The Sun. The wood was also used in the interior of a customised car for 50-year-old Tom.

Other gifts apparently include bespoke nickel-plated motorbikes, an aircraft hangar and a luxury coach called Silver Screen. The items reportedly feature on a memo leaked by former Scientologist Marty Rathbun.

"He [Cruise] requested that a space be figured out for placement of slippers in the front of Silver Screen as he doesn't want shoes on the carpet," revealed the memo from 2005. "This is figured out there is a drawer at the entrance which can be used for this.

"He also stated that no one will be allowed to enter other than his personal assistants."

Meanwhile, Tom apparently wants to organise a face-to-face meeting with his estranged wife Katie Holmes before their court hearing next week.

Katie filed for divorce from the actor late last month and wants sole custody of their six-year-old daughter Suri.

Tom is reportedly hoping to organise a "clear the air meet" with Katie to avoid a bitter court battle.

"He feels there is still time for Katie and he to sit down and sort out a compromise," a source told British newspaper The Mirror. "He knows that they are days away from a huge public court clash and stopping that or at least making it as amicable as possible are his goals.

"He feels he can still communicate with Katie and wants to sit down with her one on one...

"The lawyers are working away, but Tom reckons he is the best one to communicate with his wife.

"Tom doesn't want to go to war with his wife unless he has to."

Katie has been seen several times with Suri since the split was announced. The 33-year-old actress is due to begin production on new movie Molly next week, which she co-wrote and will co-produce.

Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes,