US Ambassador Blushes As Elizabeth Hurley Hugs Him

20th October 2010

October 20, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Attending a charity event to spread awareness on breast cancer, model Elizabeth Hurley left the US ambassador Louis Susman's house (where the event took place) embarrassed when he visibly blushed on receiving a hug from the pretty lady in pink. Media reports claim that Louis Susman could not help beaming with joy when the 45-year-old model came forward and embraced him, draping herself around the politicians body to greet him.

Elizabeth Hurley drew a pretty picture in a pink colored tight fitting outfit for the occasion, and had the media cameras as well as the US ambassadors focus only on her! She also posted a picture of herself standing beside Louis Susman at the charity event in the micro blogging site Twitter, referring him as the lovely US ambassador Sussman! Well, we think that Louis Susman did not mind the fact that his name was wrongly spelled. The US diplomat looked so happy when he was embraced by the lady in pink that he could have ignored all mistakes committed by Elizabeth Hurley!

Elizabeth Hurley has been associated with the spread of breast cancer awareness in the US for quite a long time now and has been spotted in a number of charity programs. It is an issue which is very close to her heart because it was this deadly disease that took away the life of her maternal grandmother.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Liz Hurley,