Viola Davis: My daughter slaps boys

16th October 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Viola Davis says her two-year-old daughter isn't afraid to "slap" boys who try to kiss her.

The Oscar-nominated actress adopted Genesis late last year. Viola has been teaching the little girl to stand up for herself and always be confident - and it appears Genesis is taking her mom's advice to heart.

"I'm starting early to instil in her a strong sense and love of self, which wasn't given to me," Viola told Us Weekly at a fundraising brunch in Beverly Hills. "When she plays with the little boys who want to kiss her, she's slaps them and say, 'No!' So that's good!"

Viola has previously explained that she wants Genesis to grow up to be a good role model.

The 47-year-old actress is thrilled that her child is already displaying signs that she will inspire other people when she is older.

"She loves telling people her name. It's a big one because at first she didn't do that," Viola explained. "Now when people say, 'What is your name?' she says, 'My name is Genesis!' And she screams it! She's proud of her name!"

Viola has a hectic schedule juggling her duties as a mom with her work demands.

The star has spoken about the Hollywood stars she would love to work with in the future.

Viola lost out on an Oscar to Meryl Streep earlier this year, but Viola has nothing but praise for the legendary actress after they worked together on the 2008 drama Doubt.

In fact, Viola has an interesting concept that would see her reunite with Meryl on the big screen.

"I keep telling her, 'We need to do something fun together. Like a fun road buddy comedy!' No one has ever seen that," Viola added. "The black chick and the white chick kind of on the road together just having a good time! She's so busy. We'll see how it sinks in." (C) Cover Media
