When school boy Salman got 12 boys home for lunch

16th January 2014
'Being Human' has been his trait even at the tender age of ten as father Salim Khan shared a beautiful story about his son. 
When Salman Khan was at school, the principal of his school requested the well-to-do boys to take the underprivileged kids home with them for meals. 
When Salman learned that there are 12 kids who could not go back home for lunch as their parents had to work for a livelihood, he told the principal he will take all of them home for lunch. 
Every day the twelve boys would get into the jeep and head home with Salman for lunch, and his parents Salim and Salma encouraged the generous behavior. 
In fact, Salman always has company for lunch or dinner at home and people in the industry jokingly call his dining room the 'Mughal room' as there are always visitors at the table. 
Salman has inherited his dad's trait and totally believes in the motto - 'Sharing is caring'. 
Tags: Salim Khan, Salman Khan,