Lily Allen still wears teen outfits

18th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Lily Allen has revealed she still wears a vintage dress from when she was 14.

The singer opened a ready-to-wear vintage rental shop Lucy in Disguise with her sister Sarah Owen towards the end of last year.

The siblings have previously insisted the shop is inspired by their own extensive vintage archive, and

Lily, 26, has revealed the first vintage garment that she ever bought while on a trip to America as a teen is still a wardrobe staple.

"I wore it to death; I've had it taken out, taken in again and taken back out. Sarah used to pinch it from my wardrobe and we both wore it with little denim jackets and big gold hoops. Now I'm still wearing it but with leopard print cardigans and sky high Givenchy heels," she told Elle.

Lily first came to prominence in 2006 with her debut record Alright, Still. The British songstress had a signature style in the early days of her music career, wearing prom-style dresses teamed with trainers and a host of jewellery, although she has now moved on from that fashion phase.

"Years ago, I would have worn this with stacks of silver jewellery and trainers," she said describing a black silk prom dress with a tiered skirt. "I guess my fans do still associate me with that phase but it feels like a different era of me now, I've moved on from that chapter." (C) Cover Media
