Adele furious with tax bill

24th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Adele felt like buying a gun and "randomly opening fire" when she got the tax bill from her first record.

The singer released her album 19 in 2008 and is now promoting her new LP 21. At 23 she's beginning to learn about the intricacies of business, which means trying to understand how tax works. Adele can't understand why she has to pay the government so much of her earnings, admitting when she first saw the figure demanded from 19 she was astounded.

"I'm learning about tax at the moment with my accountant - pffffff!" she told Q magazine.

"I use the NHS, I can't use public transport any more, doing what I do, I went to state school, I'm mortified to have to pay 50% [tax on my earnings]! Trains are always late, most state schools are sh*t and I've gotta give you like four million quid, are you 'avin a laugh? When I got my tax bill in from 19 I was ready to go 'n' buy a gun and randomly open fire with my eyes closed!"

Adele's second release has been a success all over the world and seen her star soar in America. Despite this she's adamant she won't change and still has the same friends she's known for years. When she isn't working she likes nothing better than relaxing with them in her local park and admits the thought of them not wanting to see her anymore is terrifying.

"I've been doing this since I was 18 and if I do it how I could do it, if I worked my arse off for ten years, I'd miss my whole 20s," she explained.

"I think that's where my insecurities have been coming in. What if I come out the other end and I dunno who I am? It'd be horrible. You've got to build up relationships. I'm at a point where I'm making my friends for life. I don't wanna forget how to be normal."

Family and friends are hugely important to the star. She's about to take all her family on a holiday and has set up funds to help some of her cousins who aren't as wealthy as she is.

Adele doesn't see the point in having money if she can't use it to help the people she cares about, explaining wealth isn't something she's ever craved. Instead, having kids and being a wife is something she dreams about.

"I like things now I've got [money] but I'd still be alive and healthy and a good person if I didn't have money. But if I was money-driven, I'd be very excited by the money coming in. I'd be the face of full-fat Coke. Get another million in the bank," she chuckled.

"I honestly don't feel like I'm here to be a singer, I feel like I'm here to be a mum. I wanna look after someone and be looked after, give my all to someone in marriage and have a big family, have a proper purpose." (C) Cover Media
