Adele sexing up image'

6th January 2012

 Adele has reportedly lost 25lbs in a bid to "sex up her image".

The 23-year-old singing sensation recently tweeted a picture of herself that showed a slimmer face and leaner torso.

And a source has told Star magazine that she wanted to look her best for the upcoming Grammy Awards and also to help other aspects of her career.

"She's finally caved to weight pressure," the source told the publication. "Adele swore up and down that she was comfortable in her own skin, but she's only human.

"She wanted to sex up her image a bit. And she thinks she'll get even more fashion and acting offers if she shaves off a few pounds."

Last November, Adele underwent emergency surgery for a haemorrhaged vocal cord and was advised to take a break from singing. The health scare is also believed to have been an incentive for her weight loss.

"Doctors suggested that less junk food and more exercise would be the all-around right thing for her health, her stamina, even her vocal range," the source added.

So Adele has apparently taken up Pilates, power-walking and healthy eating as she recuperates from her operation.

"Adele wanted to wow when she steps out again at the Grammys," the source said. "And by the looks of things, that's definitely going to happen."
