Akshay Kumar takes yet another step for women's safety

30th January 2015

Akshay Kumar is one star who is generating maximum awareness about women's safety in Indian society. The actor, who was a professional martial arts trainer before he started acting launched an initiative for free-of-cost martial arts training for women, in association with Yuva Sena chief Aaditya Thackeray.

And with each passing day, the number of women joining the training has been increasing. His martial arts school for women has recently started training visually-impaired participants in self-defense techniques.

Almost a dozen of visually-impaired girls (in the age group of 16-28) have been training for the past few weeks. Akshay exclaims that ever since he has started the initiative, he has received more than he has given.

"Having the honor of being able to not only teach such wonderful girls, but to also put smiles on their sweet faces, leaves an imprint on my heart. People think it's the children who are re lucky to have this opportunity to train, but it is me who is the lucky one, as I get to be a part of their growth. If I do nothing else in life, I want to instill confidence and power in women, and help them stand as strong as they can in this world," he concluded.  

Tags: Akshay Kumar,