Akshay to redub for 'Joker'

11th August 2012

Often when the real issues are inculcated in reel stories for films, it gives birth to controversies which do more harm to the film than good. And hence often the film stars have to make changes to avoid further damage. But in case of Akshay Kumar's forthcoming film 'Joker' the precautions are being taken without any intimidations.

Directed by Shirish Kunder, the film 'Joker' is based on the story of an imaginary Indian village 'Paglapur' which is invaded by Aliens. However, it in the film is also being made a part of some real issues, as film's protagonist Akshay in the film points out the Government neglecting Paglapur, mainly because it is a disputed piece of land between Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. This dialogue, Akshay realized, could raise problems for them in the future. Hence, he suggested Shirish to incur changes and redub the dialogues.

After discussing it for long, the duo came to a conclusion that they would tweak the names to give it a fake identity and avoid controversies. So now Madhya Pradesh will change to Mukhya Pradesh, UP as Uttam Pradesh and Rajasthan as Prajasthan.

Shirish confirmed that it was a mutual decision that was taken for the benefit of film, "It was a joint decision. We have changed the names of Rajasthan, MP and UP now. The plot is fictional. So why venture into names of real places?" added Shirish.

As they say 'Prevention is better than Cure'

Tags: Shirish Kunder, Akshay Kumar, Joker,