Amber Portwood Says Kim Kardashian Is No Idol For Having A Sex Tape!

21st January 2011

January 21, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Amber Portwood, who became a star after her appearance in the hit MTV reality show Teen Mom, has not taken quite easily the comment made by American television personality Kim Kardashian.

Recently, Kim made a comment on her blog on the reality show Teen Mom that deals with some real life teen moms. She said that it is very unfortunate that some TV show like this are putting a wrong impression among the young girls by glamorising teen pregnancy. She added that these shows are portraying teen pregnancy as a cool thing and the teenagers may be misguided through this.

This comments visibly irked Amber Portwood, who blasted on Kim for this comment. She said that Teen Mom is not glamorizing the teen pregnancy rather it shows how tough it becomes for the teen moms to handle their lives. The show has made the teen moms celebrity but only because they have done some bad things in past. She further said that Kim is no idol because she has recently seen a sex tape of her. She said that Kim must have earned lots of money by selling the sex tape.

On the other hand, Kim said that she could not imagine being a mom at the age of 16 because it involves lots of responsibility and stress. She probably tried to discourage teen pregnancy through her comments but Amber could not take it positively.

Well, none of them are wrong totally, so we hope the viewers only take the positive points from their comments.

--Sampurn Wire
