Amy Winehouse fans won't hear new songs

17th November 2011

Amy Winehouse's fans will never hear a dozen unreleased songs the singer recorded before her death.

Amy's label Island Records UK have announced that they will definitely not disseminate twelve previously unheard tracks to the public.

Label head Ted Cockle and fellow Island executive Darcus Beese are fans of these tunes.

"Everyone who hears Amy's unreleased song Procrastinate loves it," Ted told Music Week.

"If you ever hear Procrastinate, you have my permission to come into my offices here in Kensington and fire me," Darcus added.

The pair contend that although they love the tracks, it would be difficult to get approval from Amy's family and overseers of her estate to publish the music. Darcus believes that Amy would have wanted her fans to hear these songs.

"'I f**king wrote the songs. People should f**king hear them'. That's what she'd tell you if she was sat here now," Darcus quipped.

Amy's posthumous album Lioness: Hidden Treasures, which is scheduled for release this December, was a challenge to compile and publish. The executives claim they simply did not get any support from her loved ones.

"We've had to qualify this album in front of Amy's family. Her mum, her dad, her brother - that's her very vocal, protective brother - plus fiances, step fathers and more," Darcus explained.

Amy passed in her London flat at the age of 27 in July of this year.

Tags: Lioness,