Amy Winehouse's father: I'm devastated

25th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Amy Winehouse's father is feeling "devastated and speechless" in the wake of her death.

The singer passed away on Saturday at her home in Camden, London. She was 27, and at the moment her death is being treated as unexplained. There have been varying reports that she may have taken drugs or gone on an alcohol binge on Friday night, but police have said nothing will be confirmed until a post-mortem has taken place. That is likely to happen this afternoon, although a toxicology report won't be back for some time. An inquest into her death will be opened and then immediately adjourned at St Pancras Coroner's Court today.

Fans of the star have built a shrine outside her home, with many leaving letters, flowers and teddies. Bottles of alcohol, pictures and cigarettes have also started mounting up. Amy's father Mitch, mother Janis and on/off boyfriend Reg Traviss travelled to her home this morning. They spent time looking through the memorial, and were openly emotional at times.

"You've got to do what you've got to do. I know a lot of you, we've been together for five, six years, I know you've got a job to do. I'm glad you're all here anyway," Mitch said to reporters.

"And you people in the street, I can't tell you what this means to us - it really is making this a lot easier for us.

"Amy was about one thing and that was love, her whole life was devoted to her family and her friends and to you guys as well. We're devastated and I'm speechless but thanks for coming."

Amy's family are keen to hold her funeral as soon as possible, in keeping with Jewish tradition. If the post-mortem goes ahead this afternoon there are reports the ceremony might take place as early as tomorrow.

The star had a highly-publicised battle with drink and drugs. She was discovered dead in bed by a member of her security team on Saturday, with speculation she may have died as many as six hours before that.

Her mother saw her the day before she died, and said she showed no signs of being ill. "She seemed out of it. But her passing so suddenly still hasn't hit me," Janis told British newspaper The Sunday Mirror.

Amy was last seen on stage in Camden last week, appearing alongside her protg and goddaughter Dionne Bromfield. The teenager is signed to Amy's label Lioness and has paid tribute to her mentor on Twitter.

"Forever in my you always #amy (sic)," she wrote. (C) Cover Media
