Frank Coraci: Proud of realistic animals

25th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - Frank Coraci wanted to make people forget animals can't really talk with his latest movie.

The director of hit comedies like The Wedding Singer, The Waterboy and Click was desperate to stretch as a filmmaker in Zookeeper, which revolves around Kevin James' character realising that animals can converse. He knew it would be tough to get people to take the picture seriously, so vowed to impress with stunning effects.

"I always like to challenge myself in a new way when I make a movie," he told Cover Media. "The challenge for me on this was to create the most realistic talking animal movie ever. I made it my goal to have people get lost in the movie and forget that animals don't really talk. I felt like technology in VFX is at a place where that could be done. That challenge was a big part of the appeal."

As well as attempting to revolutionise special effects, another thing Frank liked about making the film was sampling Italian cuisine in Boston. Despite the long hours on set and filming mainly at night he made sure to pay a visit to the city's Little Italy region to "find the perfect Bolognese, which was always fun". (C) Cover Media

Tags: Kevin James, The Wedding Singer,