Angelina Jolie To Bring Cleopatra To Life With The Vision Of James Cameron

16th October 2010

October 16, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The recent report made by Deadline New York is a big one; the website reported that James Cameron might just berequested by Sony Pictures to direct Angelina Jolie for the much talked about film Cleopatra. The film will be based on Pulitzer Prize winner Stacy Schiffs book Cleopatra: A Life. The team that the company foresees isan amazingone L.A Confidential scriptwriter Brain Helgeland will adapt the book for the script, while Scott Rudin will produce the film as he has bought the rights for the book.

Angelina Jolie has showed her interest to portray the role of Cleopatra and specualation has been rife of who will play the role of Marc Anthony, but while people are going gung-ho about this possible teaming up there might be a few hurdles. Firstly at the moment Cameron has his hands full with the sequel of Avatar 2 and possibly the third sequel too.

Secondly, till now Cameron has shared an awe-inspiring relationship with Fox Studios, as they have opened their purse for the directors ventures, all of which has been huge gables but finally paid off. Also the man is rebooting the Fantastic Voyage in 3D for Fox and producing At the Mountains of Madness at Universal that is on based on HP Lovecrafts novella to be directed by Guillermo del Toro.

But once again Cameron can just stretch himself and start directing the film. Sony wants the film to be an epic and James Cameron has the vision to produce a spectacle that very few directors can boast of.

-- Sampurn Wire



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