Anne Hathaway Finds It Hard To Play Seductress

29th December 2010

December 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Hollywood beauty Anne Hathaway claims that she is very shy and calm in real life and found it very tough to play the seductive character of Maggie Murdock in her latest release Love and Other Drugs.

Her character in the film was overtly sexual and she found it not very comfortable to play. Apart from this, Maggie was supposed to be very funny, angry and smart and it is not an easy job to combine all these traits in one character. Anne says that it was very challenging for her but exciting at the same time. She was only scared of the sexuality of her character.

The 28 year old actress says that she feels much better talking with people rather than flirting with them. She finds it quite uncomfortable when the attention of people turns on her sexuality. She was afraid that she would not be able to do justice to the role of Maggie.

However, the shy girl Anne has done it amazingly and she was totally into the character throughout the film and those who have seen her in the film will probably disagree with her. Anne has poured out all her sensuality and flirting skills and the character looks very real with her authentic performance. Dont worry Anne, you have done your best!

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Anne Hathaway, Love And Other Drugs,