Archana Kavi feels 'Blessed'

2nd September 2012

Archana Kavi who debuted in the Mollywood film, 'Neelathaamara' in 2009, and was last seen in 'Aravaan', is now all set to start filming a new Tamil film. 

Being a very calm and silent girl herself, the character she plays has absolutely nothing to do with how she really is, as a person. 

The actress will play leading lady in an upcoming Tamil film, 'Gnana Kirukkan'.

"The funny part is that so many people die to be where I am right now, but in my case, I never wanted to be an actress, it came as a blessing! Although it wasn’t a cake walk, and there was a lot of emotional stress involved in the start, at the end of it all I think, I am blessed!" said the 22 year old glamorous actress. 

The film will star Daniel Balaji in the lead role and it directed by Ilyadevan

Tags: Archana Jose Kavi, Gnana Kirukkan,