Ashley Greene: Butter carving is mind-blowing

2nd February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashley Greene was amazed to hear butter carving is a real skill, as she thought it was something script writers on her new movie had made up.

The actress appears as Kaitlen Pickler in Butter, which also stars Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Garner. Its about a girl who realises she is brilliant at carving sculptures from huge blocks of butter, so decides to show off her talent in a contest.

Ashley was sure writers had conjured up the skill, and was blown away when people explained it is actually a very popular hobby. It's about butter carving, which, really, you have to Google. People take these huge chunks of butter, as tall as me, and carve intricate things into them; it's mind-blowing, she laughed. I'd never heard of it when I read the script, and I remember asking my manager, 'How do writers make this stuff up?' But it actually exists.

[I play a] typical rebellious teenager who goes from plain vanilla to basically being a stripper. It sounds ridiculous but it's going to be really funny.

Ashley can also be seen in LOL, about the lives and loves of a group of high school students. She hopes the role will open doors for her, and show the industry she has range.

The 23-year-old is best known for appearing in Twilight, and is keen to show she has more about her than just playing a vampire.

I'm kind of like a bad girl in that film, she told Teen Vogue. It's a really big departure from Alice, and as much as I love that character, I'm excited for people to see a bit of my range." (C) Cover Media
