Ashley Tisdale proud of nude photoshoot

12th April 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashley Tisdale decided to shed her clothes for a photoshoot to prove she isnt a young girl anymore.

The actress shot to fame playing Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical franchise and is currently starring in American television show Hellcats, in which she plays a college cheerleader. Although she is known for playing students, Ashley wishes people would understand that she has put her school days behind her in real life. The star agreed to pose naked for Allure magazines annual Nude Issue to make people realise she has grown up.

"I'm 25, almost 26, but people think of me as much younger because I look young," Ashley said in an interview to accompany the photoshoot. "Being in this shoot was me saying, 'I'm not just the young girl everybody thinks I am. I'm actually a woman.'"

Ashley was accompanied to the shoot by her mother Lisa. She has revealed her mom has inspired her determination to succeed and she decided to get a tattoo so she would always remember her encouraging words.

"I've always wanted to be sure my parents approve of what I do," Ashley explained. "Even with my tattoos, my mom went with me. The 'believe' tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe." (C) Cover Media
