Beyonc Knowles: Stilettos made me sexy

2nd March 2011

(Cover) - -No story type selected- - Beyonc Knowles wears high, sexy stilettos with a beautiful dress when she wants to mix it up for her husband Jay-Z.

The 29-year-old star is famed for her gorgeous looks and sensational curves and has admitted she loves to be unpredictable when surprising her rapper spouse. The notoriously private singer says people should do anything that makes them feel special when it comes to being sexy.

Put on good music and something that makes you feel great. I love a pair of high, sexy stilettos with a beautiful dress. And never be predictable. Mix it up, surprise him, change your hair be the woman he knows with a little bit of a twist, she told the April edition of Cosmopolitan magazine.

The R&B star knows that even if you look sexy, it doesnt always mean that you feel good. The beauty insists that confidence if the key to sexiness. Beyonc says everyone has issues with their bodies, as perfection is unattainable.

You can be beautiful but if youre not secure in yourself, you dont come across as sexy, she said. We all have our issues. Mine is arms and legs, keeping them tight and toned. It takes work, believe me.

The star married Jay-Z, 41, in April 2008. There has been continued speculation as to when the couple will have kids because of their hectic careers. The singer has revealed her perspective on family life has changed as shes grown older.

Yes, I do want to embrace what happens next and family," she says. "Its funny how your outlook changes as you get older, how you look at life at other women in a different way. I have so much admiration for women who are mothers, who balance family and work. (C) Cover Media
