Brad and Angelina have nice home visit

31st December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have paid a very nice visit to Brads hometown.

The 47-year-old actor was raised by his parents Jane and William in the town of Springfield, Missouri, with siblings Doug and Julie, and the Hollywood star made a welcome return to the area earlier this week along with partner Angelina.

The talented pair joined Brads parents and brother Doug on a visit to St. John's Jane Pitt Pediatric Cancer Center - the Center is dedicated to Brads mother in tribute to all the hard work she does in the community looking after children. Although the visit was relatively unexpected, staff at the Center were thrilled to see Brad and Angelina.

"They called a little bit ahead, about an hour ahead, and requested to tour the Pediatric Center," hospital spokesperson Cora Scott told People. "They stayed about 45 minutes. It was a very nice visit."

Angelina, Brad, and many of his family members donated $1 million to St. John's Foundation for Community Health last year. Brads mother Jane is a pillar of the local community, and is well-loved by Springfields youngsters.

"Jane Pitt is a gem in our community," added Cora. "She's a very wonderful woman who cares so very much about the well being of children."

Brad and Angelina were in Namibia, Africa, with their six children for the Christmas holidays. It is expected they will be seeing the New Year in with extended family. (C) Cover Media
