Bradley Cooper reveals authenticity fears

17th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Bradley Cooper says he is "plagued" by the fear that he is "inauthentic".

The actor has found fame since starring in a host of hit comedies. Even though he is one of the most popular and charismatic stars in Hollywood, Bradley worries that his true personality doesn't come across.

"I have definitely been plagued with this idea that I'm in some way inauthentic," he told GQ magazine. "I remember in high school getting an award and the teacher giving this speech, and the theme of the speech was, Bradley seems like he's such a nice guy, but he might be too good to be true.' Literally! And I have definitely found throughout my life that, Nah, he's probably not!' Luckily, as I've got older I've got more confident."

The 36-year-old star admits his insecurities stem from childhood.

During his school days, he was reluctant to show off his skills even though he was a talented athlete.

"I liked sports but I never really had the confidence," he explained. "I was always co-ordinated and it came easy to me, but I didn't have the confidence to go along with the physical skill. In basketball I would avoid getting the ball passed to me. It wasn't until after college I started to take the chance and be an athlete." (C) Cover Media
