Sarah Jessica Parker bonded with young co-stars

17th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sarah Jessica Parker was "in love" with her on-screen children.

The actress plays Kate Reddy in the new comedy I Don't Know How She Does It. Kate must balance her career as a finance executive with raising two children.

Parker has three kids of her own, and says her on-screen family were a great substitute for her own brood while she was away shooting.

"I was in love with these twins on the set, who played my son. You can't imagine how cute they were. I couldn't concentrate when they were around it would stop work," she told Closer magazine.

"Everyone would fight over them they always wanted me to hold them. It was such a nice experience because I was having to spend time away from my own children."

Sarah has three children with her husband Matthew Broderick eight-year-old James and two-year-old twins Tabitha and Marion. The stunning star's household has been in chaos since Matthew had surgery on his back last month.

Sarah says her brood are concerned for their dad.

"Matthew says he can't lift anything... allegedly!" she laughed. "No, I actually heard from the surgeon's mouth that he can't pick up anything over 3lbs.

"The twins are at that wonderfully clingy stage at the moment. There are times when Matthew's two hands came in handy and they haven't lately, but it's OK. Every day the kids say: Papa, how's your back?' It's really sweet." (C) Cover Media
