Bruce Willis: Im too young to retire

31st December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Bruce Willis says he wont be retiring any time soon, as hes still too young.

The actors career has spanned nearly 30 years and he is best known for iconic performances such as cop John McClane in the Die Hard films.

He is persistently asked when he will call it a day after a demanding set of acting roles, but Bruce believes he has a few more films in him yet. He is not planning on quitting for at least two more years.

I think I still might be on the youngish side for the retirement look, I think I could do that in a couple of years, he said.

The 55-year-old who is set to return as McClane next year - puts his staying power down to the fact that life expectancy has grown. He thinks its more difficult now to force ageing people into a hidden, quieter life.

People are staying alive a lot longer now, so you cant really kick them under the bus at 67 and tell them not to come back, Bruce remarked.

Although Bruce enjoys working, he also likes holidaying from the rigours of being a Hollywood actor. He admits spending time simply doing nothing, which he finds very relaxing. One of my favourite things to do is to not work and take time off, he revealed.

Bruce doesnt even like going to the gym, which may come as a surprise to his fans. He is famous for a toned body, but insists he cranks out the muscles only because its part of the job. Did I say I dont like working out? Its not a hardship. I work out, yes. Its just part of the process, he said. (C) Cover Media
