Charlie Sheen rants at security guard

7th June 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlie Sheen lost his temper when he was refused re-entry to a hockey game in Los Angeles last night.

The actor started ranting at a security guard at the Staples Center when she wouldn't allow him back inside after a smoking break.

While he tried to reason with the woman at first, he soon lost his cool.

"What does common sense direct?" he can be seen asking the guard in a video posted on TMZ. "Let a guy back in the door he just walked out of, I mean come on? Common sense, that's all."

Unfortunately he started swearing and using profanities shortly thereafter, while pals tried to shield him from the paparazzi.

But Charlie was intent on making his point and addressed the waiting cameras directly.

"Is common sense and common courtesy, like, gone in society? That was what I was trying to impress upon her."

However, the pretty blonde security attended wasn't impressed by his raving.

She told waiting photographers that everyone had to adhere to the same rules, no matter who they are.

"Did you not hear me tell him to f**k off?" she said. "I don't care who he is." (C) Cover Media
