Charlie Sheen to receive treatment at home

1st February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlie Sheen will complete his rehabilitation at home rather than at a centre, receiving help from a team he trusts.

The actor was taken ill last week and spent time at the Los Angeles Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. It was believed he suffered a hernia, and there were allegations he had become unwell after spending up to two days partying with adult movie stars.

It was then announced Charlie would be taking a break from shooting American television show Two and a Half Men in which he plays Charles Francis Charlie Harper so that he could receive rehabilitation treatment.

But it has now emerged Charlies programme will be taking place at his home instead of at a centre - as had previously been reported.

It is believed the star would rather receive help from professionals in private.

"Charlie has put together a team that he trusts to help get him sober once and for all," the actors manager Mark Burg told People.

According to reports Charlies ex-wife and mother of his two children Denise Richards, has been visiting his Los Angeles home in a bid to convince him to seek help. It is believed that she wanted him to enter a centre rather than receive help at home.

Denise went over to Charlies house on Sunday to try and talk him into entering a treatment facility, but Charlie refused, a source told

It is thought Charlies father actor Martin Sheen is also keen for his son to receive help in a facility. Nevertheless, it appears Charlie would prefer to deal with his issues from the comfort of his own home.

Charlie doesnt think he needs help, he is still up until all hours of the night and is refusing to get it at an outside facility, all while those close to him -- including his dad Martin, family, friends and his employers CBS - work to convince him he needs to enter a facility, another source told the website. (C) Cover Media
