Cheryl Cole: I couldnt trust a therapist

4th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Cheryl Cole would never undergo therapy as she couldnt imagine trusting a stranger enough to pour out her feelings.

The singer had a tough year in 2010. She divorced her soccer player husband Ashley Cole after allegations he was unfaithful, and also battled malaria. She is now fit and healthy and feeling stronger than ever, but admits everything she has gone through had a lasting effect.

Cheryls life is fast-paced and she often has a lot of her plate, but shed never dream of seeking counselling to help her cope. It crossed my mind but I'm not trusting enough to bare my soul to a stranger. I'm lucky that I've got friends and family to turn to, she told the UK edition of Elle magazine. I realise now that its not a bad thing to lean on people and accept support. You get to find out who your real friends are when the sh*t hits the fan.

Cheryl retreated from the limelight when her marriage failed, and is now reluctant to discuss her personal life in interviews. She admits she was very unhappy for a long period of time, but eventually realised she had to change how she was feeling. The star didnt want to let other peoples actions dictate how she lived her life, so decided to get back in control of her own happiness.

Believe you me, I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself, she explained. But you cant allow self-pity to swamp you. I didnt want to stay at home and cry for a year. What would I do after that?

However, the 27-year-old does sometimes crave a less hectic life. She has a successful solo career as well as being part of band Girls Aloud and is also a judge on UK show The X Factor, but sometimes she wishes she could just disappear under the radar. (C) Cover Media
